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Participation in downtown events isn’t always limited to downtown businesses. For some events, we open up participating to all interested businesses while on other events our partnership with the chamber allows chamber members to participate. Each year we put out a letter which includes all details of participating in our events, including deadlines.


If you are a downtown business, make sure we have the most up-to-date information on your business so that we can share it with the world. Your businesses’ content in our online business directory is totally at your discretion. If you would like it updated or modified, please contact us. We also use the same information to create our printed publications, such as the business directory in the downtown kiosks.



If your downtown business is open on Saturday, you can have a free decal saying “Shop Saturday” that was designed exclusively for Rawlins to place in your window. Let us know if you need one!


We love to use videos to engage locals and visitors with our downtown! New videos are posted to Facebook and YouTube. Make sure to watch for these to get the latest updates, and let us know if your business would like to be featured on a video tour this year!


If your downtown business has a Facebook page, make sure we know about it so that we can share your posts with our fans and encourage them to “like” you too! 


A great way to have an internet presence is to start using Facebook, if you have between 1-3 hours per week to devote to it. Instead of creating our own best tips guide, we have selected information from other providers that are easier to understand and more comprehensive than anything we would have created in-house. The first is a link Facebook Blueprint,where you can learn how to reach more customers with free, five-minute lessons. Next is a printable form of 8 pages of first steps from Facebook. Lastly, there is “How to Master Facebook Marketing in 10 Days” provided by Hubspot.


Did you know that you can use to elevate your business presence? Leverage over $5 million in advertising placed by the Wyoming Office of Tourism each year throughout the United States to benefit your business or destination. Multiple opportunities exist including the official website, event calendar, familiarization tours, and much more. Create your free business listing today. Click the button below to visit the official page to learn more!

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