The Downtown Development Authority (DDA) was established October 19, 1991 by city ordinance 10c-91. The DDA was created under the Urban Renewal Guidelines and state statue W.S. 15-9-201 et seq.
In February 2006, Rawlins DDA adopted the “Main Street” approach and became a certified Main Street community in as part of the statewide Wyoming Main Street family. Main Street is a national program of the National Trust for Historic preservation that focuses on revitalizing a downtown economic district through the four-point approach: Design, Organization, Marketing and Retail Strategies (MARS)(known as Promotion nationally), and Economic Vitality.
All downtown businesses and DDA/Main Street volunteers had reason to congratulate each other for all our hard work when we received the 2015 Great American Main Street Award (GAMSA). It is given to those exemplifying the use of the Main Street Approach to revitalize their traditional downtowns. Rawlins is the first community in the northern Rocky Mountain region to win the coveted downtown economic development. Equally impressive, only 88 out of more than 2,000 National Main Street Center affiliates have won the award since its inception in 1995. We were also the proud winners of the National Main Street Center’s “One to Watch” award in 2014, the Innovation Award from Wyoming Main Street for excellence, originality and effectiveness in downtown revitalization through historic preservation in 2008 and the Rawlins-Carbon County Chamber of Commerce’s Non-Profit of the Year in 2008.
Mission & Vision
Our Mission
To enhance a vibrant, historic downtown that creates economic vitality.